During our hectic working lives, trying to get it right for our clients, and deliver the highest standard possible, are we even certain that our clients are happy? Keeping in contact is vital, as we know, but can we be sure that an honest appraisal is being given?

You can e-mail or telephone the client and ask the question “How was the service?” and probably get a rushed answer of “good, thanks”. When the client could be thinking “could have been better if …”

Meeting an existing client face to face is time consuming. But really, the time it takes to replace business lost through lack of communication, is in comparison, an era.

Clients are much more likely to present any problems face to face, and in return, an immediate solution can very often be provided to ensure a happy customer.

Finding out just how your service has been received, and how it can be improved, means continued and loyal business from the existing clients we enjoy.

We gain invaluable information through constructive criticism, and it should be gratefully received.  A robust Quality Assurance Policy in place to resolve any queries straight away, ensure with clarity that we are doing it right.

We would be happy to discuss our service in full, please get in touch by calling 0161 368 5511 or email me on jo.needham@bennettstaff.co.uk


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